이승철·황용일·박해룡·최선욱 교수(식품생명공) 논문 발표
이승철·황용일·박해룡·최선욱 교수(식품생명공) 논문 발표
  • 경남대인터넷신문
  • 승인 2005.08.21 23:16
  • 댓글 1
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8월 16일부터 8월 27일까지 덴마크에서 개최되는 '12th European Congress of Biotechnology'에 참석하여 논문 발표.

이승철 교수는 'Effect of Heating Conditions of Grape Seeds on the Antioxidant Activity of Grape Seed Extracts'를, 황용일 교수는 'Functional Analysis of a Gene Encoding the Butyrolactone Autoregulator Receptor in Streptomyces natalensis ATCC27448 Producing Natamycin을 주제로 논문 발표.

또한 박해룡 교수는 Regulation of GRP78 Transcription by substance of microbial origin'을, 최선욱 교수는 'In vivo Functional Analysis of Butyrolactone Autoregulator Receptor in Streptomyces clavuligerus ATCC27064, a Clavulanic Acid Producer'를 주제로 각각 논문 발표.

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オ?クリ? メガネ 2013-09-13 01:45:54
He did go 3-for-5 with a double against his old mates (his first extra-base hit of the season), so perhaps the tide is turning, but overall he looked either like he pressing or completely overwhelmed.
オ?クリ? メガネ http://www.jidaiemaki.jp/oakley/