"대학 홍보와 지역사회 봉사는 우리에게 맡겨라"
"대학 홍보와 지역사회 봉사는 우리에게 맡겨라"
  • 경남대인터넷신문
  • 승인 2005.04.26 22:54
  • 댓글 3
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제3기 홍보도우미 선발 및 친절 교육 실시

우리대학은 지난 4월 26일(화) 오후 6시, 본관 4층 국제세미나실에서 제3기 홍보도우미들에 대한 친절 및 예절교육을 실시했다.

이번 교육은 우리대학 평생교육원에서 이미지메이킹 강좌를 맡고 있는 김수인 강사가 학생들에게 매너와 에티켓, 자신감 있는 자기표현법 등을 지도했다.

앞으로 홍보도우미 학생들은 각종 대학 행사와 지역민을 위한 봉사활동 등 대학 홍보와 지역사회 봉사를 위해 다양한 활동을 하게된다.

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댓글 3
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Hollister Danmark K枚penhamn 2014-01-20 21:28:43
using a rather large face, and his hands continually in his pockets, and who had a tendency in his nature to whistle and hum tunes, which, sensible from the indecorum of such sounds in a home of grief, he was at some pains to repress at present.
Hollister Danmark K枚penhamn http://www.kinggeorge.dk/admin/ugenslook/footer.asp?id=28

Hollister Tøj København 2014-01-22 08:15:43
She was for this reason obliged to seek another branch with the topic, and related, with substantially bitterness of spirit and some exaggeration, the shocking rudeness of Mr. Darcy.
Hollister Tøj København http://www.foreningen-forum.no/cp/Scripts/ASP/Chat/class.asp?w=19

Mbt Sko Forhandlere København 2014-01-27 15:10:58
It was close and airless, along with the earthy smell was sturdy, and it seemed a long time to Rat ere the passage ended and he could stand erect and stretch and shake himself. The Mole struck a match, and by its light the Rat saw that they have been standing in an open space, neatly swept and sanded underfoot, and directly facing them was Mole"s small front door, with "Mole End" painted, in Gothic lettering, more than the bell-pull at the side.
Mbt Sko Forhandlere København http://www.ovh.dk/images/session.asp?Mbt=11