인문과학연구소 전국학술대회 개최
인문과학연구소 전국학술대회 개최
  • 경남대인터넷신문
  • 승인 2004.11.16 01:09
  • 댓글 3
이 기사를 공유합니다

◎ 일시 : 2004년 11월 23일(화) 13:30-17:30
◎ 장소 : 국제세미나실(본관 4층)
◎ 문의 : 249-2985(인문과학연구소)

◆ 개회식(13:30-13:50)
-사회 : 문병순 교수(경남대 중국학부)
-개회사 : 유창국 교수(경남대 인문과학연구소장)
-환영사 : 고현욱 학사부총장

◆ 제 1 부 : 학술발표 - 사회 : 손광락 교수(경남대 영어학부)(13:50-16:00)
◎ From Script to Screen / Nicholas Twemlow : Writer, Media Artist U.S.A 2005 Fulbright Award
토론 : 한정석 교수(경남대 문화컨텐츠학부)
◎ Artists and Technology / 한정석 교수 : 경남대 문화컨텐츠학부
토론 : 신용수 실장(마산 MBC 기획실장)

◆ 휴 식

◆ 제 2 부 : 학술발표 - 사회 : 이상길 교수(경남대 인문학부)
◎ 디지털문화 환경과 지역문학의 방향/ 박태일 교수 : 경남대 인문학부
토론 : 유재천 교수 (경상대학교 인문학부)

◆ 종합토론(16:20-17:30)

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댓글 3
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How was it?" Charlie lounged across the sofa with his bare feet propped up on the arm. What was leftof his curly brown hair was crushed flat on 1 side.Alice went overboard. Flowers, cake, candles, presentsthe entire bit.""What did they get you?""A stereo for my truck." And many different unknowns.
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Fred Perry Polo Børn 2014-02-15 10:50:53
This is where I meet this giant among toddlers. My companion Barbara has met this child prior to. His Mum had come to hear a concert or play at the Glen Centre in Manorhamilton. Even though Mum watched the play Barbara minded youngster. When he became fractious and upset she walked him down the main street. She held him close in her arms and sang Gershwin. He settled in the sound of this melody sang softly into his shell like ear.
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Canada Goose Jakke Grønland 2014-02-13 02:31:18
The wonderful young Venetian lady who owns the restaurant close to where we are staying is miserable with her fate. She hates Venice.
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