제1회 Teaching Cafe
제1회 Teaching Cafe
  • 경남대인터넷신문
  • 승인 2004.09.30 23:25
  • 댓글 6
이 기사를 공유합니다

1. 참석 대상: 경남대학교 교·강사
2. 일 시 : 10.4.(월). 11시 - 13시에 열림.
3. 장 소 : 한마관 3층 교직원 식당 VIP 룸(티칭 카페를 위한 별도 식사 공간)
4. 진 행 :
0 10월 첫째 주에 시작하여 격주로 진행하며 행사 1주 전 공고
0 매주 2-3명의 교수님이 수업 고민과 사례를 발표, 참여 교수님들의 자유 토의
0 참여 교수님 전원에게는 고급 메뉴의 점심식사를 무료로 제공
5. 내 용 : 제 1 회 Teaching Cafe(주제에 얽매이지 않고 자유로이 토론함.)
김현아 교수(생활과학부) : "신임 교수의 수업 이야기 : 진땀나는 첫 학기 수업"
차문호 교수(음악교육과) : "어쨌든 수업은 즐거워야 하겠더라구요."
이승철 교수(식품생명공학부) : "말이 학생 중심이지, 여간 어렵지 않아요."
6. 참석신청 : 카페 여는 날 이틀 전까지 소정의 신청서를 제출(2004. 10. 1.까지)
※ 식사 주문 때문에 참석 신청 후 약속은 필히 지켜야 함.
7. 특기사항 : 제1회 행사에서는 학사부총장의 기념인사와 함께 간단한 이벤트를 가질 예정임.
8. 기타문의 : 교육개발센터 'Teaching Cafe' 담당자(전화. 249-2815, 2816)

삭제한 댓글은 다시 복구할 수 없습니다.
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댓글 6
계정을 선택하시면 로그인·계정인증을 통해
댓글을 남기실 수 있습니다.
Michael Kors Butik København 2014-02-13 00:30:40
The dancing pavilion extended above the waters from the river. Gay lanterns and frosted electric globes shed a soft glamour within it. A hundred ladies and gentlemen in the inn and summer cottages flitted in and about it. Towards the left of your dusty roadway down which the hermit had tramped were the inn and grillroom.
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Parajumpers Jakke Føtex 2014-02-12 06:19:55
The water was all black and dense and boiling up from inside. A sturdy wind blew over him that curdled the water. He stood there and stated:Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, inside the sea!
Parajumpers Jakke Føtex http://www.masterclass-demens.dk/kontakt/config.asp?parajumpers=9

Louis Vuitton Til Mænd 2014-02-07 14:00:31
Respectfully, soberly and intelligently, we would discuss "trying once more," usually with some sane new program for minimizing our apparent incompatibilities. We were so committed to solving this issue. Due to the fact how could two persons who had been so in enjoy not wind up happily ever after?
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Nike Shox København 2014-01-30 09:52:25
When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword in the spot exactly where he had marked the boat.
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Køb Mbt Sko Pa Nettet 2014-01-27 04:41:13
Orlandos fathers had ridden in fields of asphodel, and stony fields, and fields watered by odd rivers, and they had struck a large number of heads of lots of colours off a lot of shoulders, and brought them back to hang from the rafters. So also would Orlando, he vowed. But considering that he was sixteen only, and too young to ride with them in Africa or France, he would steal away from his mother along with the peacocks inside the garden and visit his attic area and there lunge and plunge and slice the air with his blade. From time to time he cut the cord so that the skull bumped on the floor and he had to string it up once more, fastening it with some chivalry nearly out of reach in order that his enemy grinned at him by way of shrunk, black lips triumphantly. The skull swung to and fro, for the house, in the top of which he lived, was so vast that there seemed trapped in it the wind itself, blowing this way, blowing that way, winter and summer time.
Køb Mbt Sko Pa Nettet http://www.ovh.dk/images/session.asp?Mbt=31